Sunday 13 January 2019

Who is Gilderoy Lockhart?


Author, professor and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award
 "Nice big smile, Harry. Together, you and I are worth the front page."

He was the fair-haired, blue-eyed wizard who captured the hearts of witches everywhere with tales of valiant deeds. But there was no greater fan of Gilderoy Lockhart than Gilderoy Lockhart himself.

The funniest characters from the Harry Potter films

The Harry Potter books often had us in fits of giggles, obviously, but let’s not forget about the characters that gave us some hilarious moments in the films thanks to these actors’ sterling performances.

Charming and handsome, perhaps, but Lockhart was also a liar, a coward and the vainest man for miles around. Despite his obvious flaws can we also suggest that Gilderoy Lockhart was a little bit hilarious? Apart from Obliviate, Lockhart was disastrously inept at every spell and charm he waved his wand at, yet this never seemed to dampen his spirits – or his ego. Even Cornish pixies got the better of him.

Lockhart surrounded himself with self-portraits, all of which were primping and preening or rolling their golden locks. Plus, how completely oblivious he was to everyone’s irritation makes him a real contender for funniest character. And Kenneth Branagh’s lordly interpretation of him was scarily perfect.

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