Friday 11 January 2019

What is a Dementor?

 Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope and happiness out of the air around them. ... Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory, will be sucked out of you.

The wizarding world has giants and dragons and spiders which are big enough to drive a car – and none of these even come close to the chills brought on by the Dementors of Azkaban.

 "If you were a dementor, I would trade my soul for a kiss."

Relives your worst trauma

The Dementors are who don’t just float menacingly with slimy body parts and the ability to freeze the air around you, but also force you to relive your bleakest and most heart-breaking moments.


Dark alliances

The Dementors win the award for Most Loathsome Creatures Ever because Voldemort sees them as his natural allies and he’s right. Any creature that thinks he is the one to watch, is one to, well, watch. A fact that Cornelius Fudge forgot at great cost.


 Dementors VS Chocolate

 Chocolate is the perfect antidote for anyone who has been overcome in the presence of Dementors, which suck hope and happiness out of their surroundings.Chocolate can only be a short-term remedy, however. Finding ways to fight off Dementors – or depression – are essential if one is to become permanently happier.


 To protect yourself from a dementor, one has to conjure a Patronus Charm. Its is very famous among the wizarding world but it is very difficult defensive charm.


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