Wednesday 9 January 2019

How to make pasta in Indian Style

Pasta is loved by us all over the world. Pasta is an Italian dish but it is cooked by many different ways by adding some new flavors to it. Some pasta recipes mostly eaten are - white sauce pasta, red sauce pasta, Noodles, spaghetti and many more.. 

"Life is a mixture of Pasta and Magic"

But today I am going to tell you about a new way to cook pasta which is also known as 'Vegetarian Indian style pasta'.

So, Lets get started!!

1 medium size bowl pasta (macaroni)
1  onion chopped
1 tomato Chopped
1/2 small bowl chopped carrot
1 capsicum chopped
3 tbsp oil 
3 Glass of water
salt to taste
some cheese
1/2 tbsp cumin seeds
1/2 tbsp black pepper
3/4 tbsp red chili powder
1/2 tbsp turmeric powder
1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp white cream
1 tbsp tomato ketchup

 First of all, we have to boil water in the container and add 1/2 tbsp of salt and 1 tbsp oil. Then we are going to add the macaroni to the hot water and wait till it get soft enough to eat. Then strain our the boiled macaroni and keep it side. 

We are going to heat up a pan and add 2 tbsp of oil and add cumin seeds to it. Just after that we are going to add onion, tomato, carrots and capsicum to it.

Note- we have to add the vegetables just after adding the cumin seeds.

When our vegges will turn golden brown and soft the we are going to add salt, black pepper, red chili powder, turmeric powder, soy sauce, and  tomato ketchup. And, Mix it well!!

Then add white cream to it and then add our boiled macaroni. Mix it well!!

Then add some grated cheese to it and add some coriander leaves for garnishing.

Our yummy and Delicious pasta is ready!!


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